

Estimate of Giving form

Click HERE to complete the Estimate of Giving form electronically.

Letter from Pastor Rick

May 14, 2024

Dear Friends,

As we are moving through the season of Spring, it is also stewardship season for those of us who live out our calling to follow Jesus Christ here at Shepherd of the Hills. Our theme this year is “Excel in everything!” and is based on 2 Corinthians 8:7-15. It speaks of how we are to excel in everything that we do including the giving of our time, our talents, and our resources. And while it is true that the ministries of our church are dependent upon the generosity of our members and friends, stewardship is ultimately a spiritual discipline and is foundational in how we live out being disciples of Jesus Christ.

With the understanding that oversimplification can be risky, I would suggest our congregation may be like most others in that we can probably be categorized into three groups when it comes to our financial stewardship. First is the group that has already made financial stewardship a priority in their spiritual lives and has conscientiously determined the level at which they are able to contribute financially. Second is the group that may make financial gifts either regularly or occasionally, but for whom the level of their giving is something that might not have been given as much consideration at it could be given. Third is the group that while connected to the congregation has not yet really considered regular financial contributions to the church as a spiritual discipline to be practiced as a Christian.

For those who are already giving to the best of their ability, we want to say, “thank you!” Thank you for your discipleship and your commitment to Christ and the church! For those who are in the second group, we want to thank you for what you are already doing! And we want to invite you to prayerfully consider ways in which you might increase your financial stewardship as part of your Christian discipleship. For those who are a part of the third group, we want to thank you for being part of this community of faith! And we want to invite you to take the next step in your Christian discipleship by prayerfully considering making regular financial contributions to your church.

Give prayerful consideration to the financial commitment God may be calling you to make to Shepherd of the Hills for the coming fiscal year that begins July 1, 2024.  An Estimate of Giving Card for 2024-2025 is linked at the top of this page.  (You can also reach this electronic version of the card on our website at by clicking on the “Stewardship” button located on the homepage.)

On Sunday, June 2, we will celebrate Giving Sunday and dedicate our estimates of giving for the coming year.  I am looking forward to sharing in this stewardship season with you and learning together new ways we can excel in everything we do as followers of Jesus Christ at Shepherd of the Hills! 

Peace, Love, Blessings, and Hope!

Pastor Rick Uhls