Building Bridges: An Interfaith Thanksgiving Opportunity
Each year we partner with our friends from the Orange County Islamic Foundation and Temple Beth El to create Thanksgiving food baskets in support of Families Forward, a non-profit serving families in need.
Help us fill the food baskets by each family donating all the following items:
- 3 cans of vegetables (15 ounces ea.)
- 2 cans of fruit (15 ounces ea.
- 1 box dessert mix (cake, cookies, etc.) 18 ounces.
…then gather with us on Sunday, November 18 at 4:00 p.m., at Shepherd of the Hills’ Mission Viejo campus, as we assemble the food baskets and celebrate the bridges between our congregations.
Donations may be brought to the MV or RSM campus anytime through Sunday services on November 18.