On Sunday, August 27th, we’ll be having our first-annual Ready, Set, Grow event! This is a Shepherd-wide launch for all ministries, groups, and volunteer opportunities. Join us for a combined-campus worship service at 10:00 a.m. at the Mission Viejo campus*, then head over to Shepherd Hall for lunch and Ready, Set, Grow! Shepherd Hall will be set up with booths for all the different groups that are open for sign-ups. Come explore all the different ways you can get plugged into what God is doing at Shepherd!
Do you have a group that you want to launch at Ready, Set, Grow? Whether your group has been meeting regularly for years or you want to lead something new, we want your group to be represented at this event! You can sign up to launch your group using this link: https://sothumc.ccbchurch.com/goto/forms/265/responses/new. Please note that Ready, Set, Grow is for ongoing groups, not for signing up for one-time events like donating blood or serving at VBS.
Have you been thinking about leading a Connect group of your own? Ready, Set, Grow is the perfect opportunity to launch your Connect group! You can start up a group from scratch, or you can join our church-wide Bible in 90 Days campaign this Fall. Reach out to Sam Nason for more information at [email protected].
*Note that there will not be worship at the RSM campus on 8/27.