Building Bridges: Interfaith Thanksgiving Opportunity
  • 2A Liberty,
    Aliso Viejo, CA 92656

  • Temple Beth El, Aliso Viejo

Building Bridges: Interfaith Thanksgiving Opportunity

Each year we partner with our friends from the Orange County Islamic Foundation and Temple Beth El to create Thanksgiving food baskets in support of Families Forward.

You’re invited to donate items for the food baskets ahead of the gathering (2 cans of sweet potatoes or yams, 2 jars of gravy, and 2 cans of cranberry sauce; these may be brought to either Shepherd of the Hills campus up until Sunday morning, November 19).

At 4:00 pm on November 19, join us at Temple Beth El in Aliso Viejo as we fill the food baskets.

Directions from Mission Viejo/Rancho Santa Margarita: Take Alicia or La Paz to Pacific Park, and turn right. Turn left at Aliso Viejo Parkway. Turn right at Liberty, and Temple Beth El will be on your left.
