We want to invite you to participate in our Holy Thursday worship and communion at any time throughout today, so we have released it on our Vimeo sites for your convenience. The service is about 20 minutes long and invites you to participate in the sacrament of Holy Communion from your home. If you have bread and juice, that is perfect. If not, anything will do. Crackers and water. Pita chips and cranberry juice. Pretzel sticks and lemonade. The elements themselves are not the most important part, but rather the spirit with which we enter into the sacrament together. From there the Holy Spirit uses these physical elements to remind us of the inner spiritual truth that Jesus is present with us.
We hope you enjoy this brief time of worship to bring Holy Week to your day. Here are the links to our worship pages:
MV Campus Worship Video: https://vimeo.com/user109674513
RSM Campus Worship Video: https://vimeo.com/user109649588