“The Not So Terrible Parable”
Our annual Music Camp is for kids grades 1 through 12. We rehearse Monday-Friday mornings for two weeks, and then put on two performances at the RSM campus:
- Friday evening June 28 at 7:00 p.m., with an ice cream social afterwards
- Sunday morning, June 30 at a special 10:00 a.m. worship. (There is a single 10:00 a.m. worship at the RSM campus on this date.)
“The Not So Terrible Parable” is the story of the Good Samaritan like you have never heard it before. It’s a mystery. It’s a comedy. It’s set in the 1930s at a historic inn, but has cool music that will make you tap your feet. Whodunnit? You’ll have to figure that out this summer! Plan to join us for this great show for the whole family–invite a friend to join you!
Music Camp Schedule
We’re full! – Thanks for the amazing response!
Contact Kim Nason at [email protected] for information.
Monday-Friday, June 17-28: Rehearsals 9:00 am-noon, RSM campus
Friday, June 28: Performance 7:00 pm at RSM campus, followed by ice cream social
Sunday, June 30: Performance 10:00 am at RSM campus during special single worship time