Preschool Fundraiser 1-10-19
  • 30642 Rancho Santa Margarita Pkwy, E-104
    Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688

  • Pizza Press, RSM

Preschool Fundraiser 1-10-19

Join us for a preschool fundraiser at the Pizza Press in RSM any time from 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Present the flyer below and 20% of proceeds go to the Shepherd preschool program. (You may download and print the flyer, or simply display it on your phone the night of the fundraiser. Flyers will be inserted in the Sunday Happenings as well.)

Also, Breaking Bread will meet at the Pizza Press that night, so join them for lively discussion, and help out the preschool program at the same time!

Here’s flyer:
(Note: You may download the pdf, zoom in or out, or display full-screen from the bottom of the pdf window.)
