Vacation Bible School
  • 26001 Muirlands Blvd.
    Mission Viejo, CA 92691

  • MV campus

Vacation Bible School

VBS 2017

We’re FULL!
Over 150 kids! Over 100 volunteers!
Registration is now closed.
If you have already registered but still need to pay, please click HERE

Maker Fun Factory is Shepherd’s 2017 Vacation Bible School Program, where kids learn they were created by God and built for a purpose.  Get ready for a wildly creative, inventive, interactive adventure with God!

July 24th – 28th 

9:00 AM – 12:15 PM

$55 first child/$95 two children/$125 max for family of three or more children

(Includes camp T-shirt for each child and music CD for the family)

You’ll also need to complete the Medical Release form, available here: MedicalReleaseForm

Questions? Problems?

Contact Stephanie Cleye at [email protected].