Shepherd Youth
We strive to create a safe space for youth to connect with Jesus and one another as they become maturing disciples of Christ. All 6th-12th graders from both campuses are invited to join us on Sundays, Tuesdays, and at our special events throughout the year.
Sunday Gatherings
Sunday night Youth Group is our opportunity for our teenagers to reconnect with Jesus and one another. We meet at the MV site from 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm and spend the afternoon playing games, worshiping, and learning about Jesus!
Tuesday Gatherings
Tuesday night Bible study will briefly be on hiatus from March – May as we lead our middle and high schoolers through Confirmation.

Winter Retreat
All Shepherd youth from both campuses are invited to our annual Winter Retreat over President’s Day weekend. Join us for tons of fun, worship, and Jesus. This is the biggest youth event of the year–you won’t want to miss out! Email Sam at [email protected]for more details. Scholarships are available. Check out our 2022 Winter Retreat recap video here (https://vimeo.com/682136185/562cfb08d2).

Summer Mission Trip
All Shepherd youth from both campuses are welcome to our annual mission trip for a week every summer. Our past mission trips have included serving a food bank in San Francisco, building a house in Mexico, and doing building projects at various reservations with Sierra Service Project. This summer we’ll be joining Blue Theology in Monterey Bay at the beginning of July. Check out our 2023 Mission Trip recap video here (https://vimeo.com/730674551).