Vacation Bible School
Sierra Service Project 2017
The Sierra Service Project is an annual summer mission where the youth teams travel to a western state Indian Reservation for construction projects. In recent years the SSP group has traveled to Chiloquin, Oregon, and Tsaile, Arizona. This year’s SSP is July 16-22. The group works on roofing, fences, building porches, stairs, and wheelchair ramps. For information,…
Charge Conference
All members of Shepherd of the Hills are invited to our Church Charge Conference. One of the important items on the agenda is the 2017-18 budget. Plan to attend this informative meeting.
Shepherd 101
Church Picnic 2017
Shepherd’s Annual All-Church Picnic is 12:00 noon on Sunday, June 25 at Florence Joyner Park (corner of Alicia and Olympiad). Hot dogs, hamburgers and water provided. Bring a salad, dessert, fruit, etc. to share. Please sign up at the MV office table or in the RSM lobby. Note: There will be ONE Worship Service at 10:00 am on both campuses on June 25.
Workday – RSM Campus
Red Cross Blood Drive
The next Red Cross blood drive of Shepherd of the Hills will be at the Mission Viejo campus on Thursday, June 15, 2017, from 2:00-8:15 pm. If you wish to make an appointment by registering online, go to, click on Make a Blood Donation Appointment in the blue box, enter sponsor code “shepherdhills”, and follow the instructions. Also, you can contact…
Ruby’s Diner Fundraiser
Join us at Ruby’s Diner for a Shepherd fundraiser. Remember to bring a printed flyer! (Available at the church, or download PDF here)
AIDS Walk Orange County
Team Forming for AIDS Walk Orange County The walk is Saturday May 6, and the theme is “Heroes for Zeros”–dress as your favorite super hero! Join the Shepherd team at See the flyer or contact Michelle Williams at 949-254-5214 or at [email protected], or see Juda Carter.
Fundraiser at Woody’s Diner
Join us at Woody’s diner for a Shepherd fundraiser. Remember to bring the flyer!