Past Events (Page 9)

Past Events (Page 9)

Round the Table Carol Sing

Come join us for a chance to sing your favorite carols. We start the evening with homemade soup and rolls and then move on to the main event: Christmas cookies, hot cider and hot chocolate. The evening concludes with a visit from Santa. This is one of our favorite events of the year. For more information, contact Kim Nason at [email protected].

Black Friday Hike

Aliso Creek Trail Hike Trail Head: small parking lot off El Toro just west of Marguerite (near Saddleback Church). Parking lot can only be accessed by traveling west on El Toro. Trail notes: This is a paved path that parallels El Toro Blvd. Dogs and strollers are welcome. There is no water or restroom at the trailhead so plan accordingly. Easy gentle climb up and back,…

Building Bridges: Interfaith Thanksgiving Opportunity

Each year we partner with our friends from the Orange County Islamic Foundation and Temple Beth El to create Thanksgiving food baskets in support of Families Forward. You’re invited to donate items for the food baskets ahead of the gathering (2 cans of sweet potatoes or yams, 2 jars of gravy,…

Congregational Town Hall Meeting

Changes can bring anxiety, fear and even grief. As leaders who have been in faithful and prayerful conversation with each other and have spent time in prayer seeking God’s hope, we believe it is time to bring our community together to discuss the challenges ahead.  Our hope is that you will join us in this important conversation. We will share in detail with you the…

Ruby’s Fundraiser – November 6, 2017

Join us at Ruby’s Diner for a Shepherd fundraiser. Remember to bring a printed flyer! (Available at the church, or download PDF here). Come dine at Ruby’s in the Laguna Hills Mall on November 6 and 20% of all food and non-alcoholic beverage sales (when accompanied by the flyer) will be…

Homelessness in OC

During the stewardship campaign last spring our congregation voted overwhelmingly to get more involved in working with the homeless community in South Orange County. This Sunday, November 5 at 4:00 p.m. we are holding an all church gathering at the RSM campus to hear a presentation from Lära Fisher, the president and CEO of South County Outreach. Lära will share with us…

Mexico Mission Information Meeting

The Mexico Mission trip is January 12-16, and our mission is to construct finished houses in only three days and provide hope through the Vacation Bible School Program. There is an Interest Meeting on Sunday, November 5 at 1:00 p.m. in the MV Campus Sanctuary–bring your questions! For more information on the Mexico Mission, including a video from 2017, see here.

Silent Saturday

Silent Saturday Saturday, November 4, 2017 8:30 am to 2:00 pm $25 per person Register here: To register and pay online, start HERE. Or, you may call or email Jill Yamada at 837-2641, [email protected]. About the event: Join us at the Mission Viejo Campus for a time of refreshment.  Our speaker will be Bob Olson a retired Saddleback College professor and 40 year…

Trunk or Treat

Sunday, October 29 4:30 to 6:00 pm – Carnival & Dinner 6:00 to 6:30 pm – Trunk or Treating $5 per family Join us in a fun-filled evening for the whole family! Activities include games, crafts, live music, dinner, and of course, Trunk or Treating (beginning at 6:00 pm). Sign up for the Trunk Decorating Contest, and win a prize if your trunk is the Cutest,…