Keys of the Kingdom

Keys of the Kingdom

Today’s sermon takes us on a journey through Matthew 16:13-20, where we explore the profound question of who Jesus is and what the church truly represents. As we reflect on Peter’s confession that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of the living God, we’re reminded that the church is not just a building; it’s a community of called-out believers. It’s a community that follows the teachings and ways of Jesus, living out His love and grace in the world. Just as Peter was given the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven, we too are entrusted with these keys. These keys symbolize our role in opening doors to God’s love and salvation for all. Together, as one church family, we can unlock countless opportunities for people to experience the boundless grace of God. To symbolize our unity and commitment, we invite you to sign your name on the key in the comments below. Whether you come join us in person or join us online, you are a keeper of the keys to the Kingdom. Let’s continue to unlock doors to God’s love together. Welcome to Shepherd of the Hills, a diverse and dynamic community of Jesus in Mission Viejo. Join us as we follow Jesus, grow spiritually, and work towards building His world through concrete action.


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